Don’t miss Salesforce World Tour on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, 18th May

Kerry Townsend
4 min readMay 14, 2017

This Thursday is London World Tour at the ExCel. If you have not been to a Salesforce World Tour before, it is where existing customers and potential customers come together to share experiences and get insight into what’s to come. This year we can expect a full house at this Sold Out immersive Salesforce Experience.

You can expect:

  • Vision Setting Keynotes
  • Customer Success Breakout Sessions
  • Peer to Peer insight from Salesforce professionals at the Admin & Developer Theatre
  • Hands on learning in the Trailhead Zone
  • And don’t forget the Swag
Tony Prophet

Highlights include an Equality Keynote by Tony Prophet who was appointed Chief Equity Officer last year, one not to be missed. An increased number of Marketing Cloud sessions, find out more in this recent Blog post. And an appearance on the Admin Stage of newly appointed Salesforce MVP Louise Lockie, remember to wish her a happy birthday.

I find this event really energising and one not to be missed. For the first time this has SOLD OUT in London. If you have not been able to get a ticket you may want to consider Paris on the 8th June. A full list of World Tours can be found on the Salesforce Events Page.

#AmsterdamCodes — #AmsterdamCodes

This will be my second World Tour this year, I also had the privilege of going to Amsterdam in March to support and the Developer Relations Team with #AmsterdamCodes. It is these initiatives that I particularly like about World Tour and Salesforce as a whole. The desire to engage with everyone. If you’ve attended the event before and seen a group of young adult full engrossed at a bank of computers, that’s work area

Experiences like this at a young age can really make a difference to career choices. I attended a WISE (Women in Science & Engineering) residential week when I was at school and as a result continued on to a Masters in Engineering. I recommend this activities to everyone at school looking to understand their options, they can be life changing.

At Amsterdam WT the purpose was to give a group of teenages form a local school a memorable ‘day in the life’ experience working in tech. This is so important in light of the global Digital skills and literacy gap. Progress in High Tech industries will be stunted if this gap is not addressed. For more information about the skills gap in the UK read the Digital Skills Inquiry Report.

At this hands on session each participant took on the role of a person working for a charity that provided shelter and resources for refugees and displaced people. By the end they were able to walk through a Virtual Reality (VR) shelter they had configuration, based on a given brief. Impressive in only 6hrs.

People wearing VR headsets

This session not only gave them experience of declarative development, Lightning Component & VR with the platform but also help develop empathy by learning about the challenges and situations faced by refugees and displaced people.

This was the first time since the STEMettes Outbox Incubator that I have had the chance to work with young adults and it was very rewarding. It also gave me a chance to see how VR could be used on the platform. It was fascinating to see how participants excelled at different things, it reminded me that there is a place for everyone and we all have a different mixture of skills.

STEMettes is an other organisation that expose young women to opportunities in STEM careers. — #A11yhacks

At London World Tour you will again find me with This time I will be helping with initiatives that focus on accessibility as 18th May is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. A day to get everyone talking and thinking about digital access/inclusion and people with different disabilities #GAAD.

Our agenda for the day has 3 parts: a panel discussion which includes Ben Mustill-Rose, from BBC and Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE ,from STEMettes, 2 accessibility focused activities for the apprentices that will be joining us and then a showcase of what we have achieved. Then everyone involved will have a chance to head to the Equality Keynote #Equality4All.

This year we will be in the reception area and from 2.30pm the barriers will come down for the showcase so you can talk to us in more detail about what we have been doing. Come and say hello, grab a selfie for Twitter.

Me, Su Adams & Will Coleman

We hope to see you all on the day, don’t be a stranger.



Kerry Townsend

Salesforce Trailblazer, speaker, marketer. @LDNsCall @SurfForce & MC UG Co-organiser. SF Certified. Passionate about life, tech & dance. MacMillan #CancerVoice.